Case Studies
District Council Wastewater Treatment Plant
The council required the treatment lagoon to be cleared of accumulated solids to maximise treatment performance and help stabilise the ponds dissolved oxygen levels. With new consent limits on the horizon council wanted to ensure that the system was running at its full treatment potential.
Parklink was awarded the contract in June 2013 and a month later the treatment for sludge removal began.
- Population 10,000
- 5.8 hectare waste water lagoon
- Total Accumulated solids 56,613m3
- To save the rate payers over 1.3 million dollars by using the Parklink AMD Technology over against traditional mechanical extraction and landfilling methods sustainable savings can be made for the rate payer.
- To reduce the councils carbon footprint.
Sludge is a highly organic material, takes up a lot of land space in a landfill and produces huge amount of methane whether in the pond or in the landfill. Parklinks technology converts the organic component of the sludge while it remains in the pond so there are no emission trading scheme charges or expensive cartage for the removed material.
The Results
Treatment period: 20 months
Volume of sludge removed: 30,384m3
Average sludge volume removed per month: 1,787m3
We have achieved these results with:
- No disruption to the waste water treatment process.
- No mechanical extraction machinery including heavy vehicles and cartage trucks.
- No landfill charges.
- No damage to the facility from heavy vehicle use.